Tatiana Fajardo
Writer. Joined LPP in 2019.
Tatiana Fajardo is a PhD candidate at the University of the Basque Country researching Patrick McGrath’s Gothic fiction. She completed her MLitt in the Gothic Imagination at the University of Stirling (Scotland), writing her dissertation on the employment of art and science in Patrick McGrath’s novels. She began a blog in which she discusses her literary, cinematic and artistic interests in 2017. Passionate about Gothic literature, her blog post on Dracula’s ‘‘Bloofer Lady’’ was published by Sheffield University. Some of her essays have been translated into Swedish and published by Rickard Berghorn, both on his online Weird Webzine and in his printed books Studier I vart (2018) and Två fantasistycken (2018). These include her analyses of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982) and Ingmar Bergman’s Hour of the Wolf (1968). She presented her study of the employment of Romantic poets in the TV series Penny Dreadful (2014-2016) at the IGA conference in Manchester in August 2018. In 2019, her article ‘‘The Bloodlust of Elizabeth Báthory: From the Brothers Grimm to American Horror Story’’ was included in the book A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction by Luna Press Publishing. In 2020, her article “Falling in Love with an Artificial Being: E. T. A Hoffmann’s The Sandman in relation to Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and the Blade Runner film series” was included in Ties that Bind: Love in Fantasy and Science Fiction (Luna Press Publishing).
Tatiana combines her work as a researcher with her job as an English teacher in Spain. Follow her at http://tatianafajardodomench.blogspot.com.es/ and on Twitter @Tatiana19796
Link to Sheffield Gothic;
Links of Berghorn’s printed books: https://alephbok.com/studier-i-svart/
Link to Weird Webzine: http://weirdwebzine.com/vargtimmen.html