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Surrounded by Eggs

Petra Slováková

Writer. Joined LPP in 2016.

Petra   Slováková   first introduced herself to the readers with a short story in the magazine Pevnost. She won several prestigious literary competitions – for example, the  Karel Čapek Prize. She published a book of poetry entitled Básně (Poems), a  book of short stories named Železonoc a jiné podivnosti (The Iron-Night  and Other Oddities), a book of two novellas Cvrček v krabičce (The Cricket in A Box), and is currently working on a steampunk trilogy Ve službách královny (In the Service of the Queen). The first part of this trilogy is called Démon z East Endu (The Demon of East End) and came out in 2015. The second book is planned for late 2016. She is the artist, author of many short stories and a leading figure in Czech steampunk community.


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