Paulo César Ramírez Villaseñor
Writer. Joined LPP in 2016.
Paulo César Ramírez Villaseñor.- Mexican writer, lives in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Founder and director of the magazine retrofuturism themed “El Investigador”, also wrote a lot of articles related. Director of anthologies “Planes B” (bubok, 2012), an auto editing project with three volumes of stories, the authors selected includes Jeff VanderMeer and Selena Chmbers. Coordinated the four volumes of “Ácronos, antología steampunk” (Tyrannosaurus books, Spain) with help of Spanish writer Josué Ramos. His writing projects come from podcasts scripts to steampunk and dieselpunk stories for Ácronos’ series.
In 2014 was published his novelette “Reward: El Ojo del Diablo”, in Spain by Neonauta Ediciones; while in 2015 was part of anthology “The Best of Spanish Steampunk” (Nevsky, Spain) with his stoy “May the fifth”. Nowadays he’s part of the editorial council of Mexican e-zine “Fantastique” which is focused on literature of fantastic genre meanwhile develops other literary projects. As a role playing games fan, comics, history and mythologies lover, he tries to combine as much as its possible his profession, hobbies and passions, that’s the main reason because of his restless mind keeps running with one project after another.