M.E. Rodman
Writer. Joined LPP in 2020.
M.E Rodman writes LGBT+ fantasy with a dark edge and occasional stories of horror and the uncanny.
Their short fiction has appeared in Anthologies; Airship Shape and Bristol Fashion, The Dark Half of the Year, Goddesses of the Sea and A Picture’s Worth and online at Expanded Horizons and Zetetic, a Record of Unusual Inquiry. They have reviewed books for Vector, Prismand www.thebookbag.co.uk. A short story ‘The Selkie; A Tale of Love, Obsession and the Sea,’ was adapted and performed as a live radio play for the Sanctum Project in 2015.
They have an MA in Creative Writing from Edinburgh Napier and are a current guest editor for Fantasia Divinity Publishing. They live near Glasgow, with their partner, child, a dog the size of a cat, and a cat the size of the dog.
Social media contacts:
Facebook: fb.me/merodmanwriter
Twitter: @thecantingbones