Jyrki Korpua
Writer. Joined LPP in 2017.
PhD Jyrki Korpua is a reseacher of literature and cultural studies. Since 2005, Korpua has acted as lecturer and researcher of literature in the University of Oulu, and in the University of Turku (2014‒2015 & 2020). He has edited many special issues of journals and published articles on literature, video games, graphic novels, and film studies. He is the author of non-fiction books “The Bible and Literature” (2016, in Finnish, published by Avain), “Kalevala and Literature” (2017, in Finnish, Avain), one of the editors with Saija Isomaa & Jouni Teittinen of the antology New Perspectives to Dystopian Fiction (2020, Cambridge Scholars Publishers), and the author of the fortcoming monograph The Mythopoeic Code of Tolkien: A Christian Platonic Reading of the Legendarium (2021, McFarland).
For Luna Press, Korpua wrote an article on the female roles in Peter Jackson’s Tolkien adaptation for Gender Identity and Sexuality Current Fantasy and Science Fiction in 2017 (ed. Francesca T Barbini), and on representation of evil in televison series Babylon 5 and Mass Effect game series for A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction in 2019 (ed. Francesca T Barbini).
Link to Korpua’s scholarly publications in University of Oulu’s website.