Val Nolan
Writer. Joined LPP in 2021.
Val Nolan is a Research Fellow at Aberystwyth University. He is co-author of the SFFH writing-guide series Spec-Fic for Newbies (Luna Press, 2023, 2024) and author of the monograph Neil Jordan: Works for the Page (Cork University Press, 2022). His academic articles have appeared in Science Fiction Studies, Irish University Review, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, Irish Studies Review, Foundation, Symplokē, Dictionary of Literary Biography, and elsewhere. His own fiction has been published in Year’s Best Science Fiction, Best of British Science Fiction, Interzone, the ‘Futures’ page of Nature, and Andromeda Spaceways, among other venues. He writes the regular ‘Folded Spaces’ column for Interzone exploring the history of Science Fiction criticism.