Fumio Takano
Writer. Joined LPP in 2023.
Fumio Takano has been a leading Japanese writer of alternate history speculative fiction for a quarter century. Nominated numerous times for Japan's two major science fiction awards, the Nihon SF Taishō and the Seiun Awards, she won the Edogawa Rampo Prize presented by the Mystery Writers of Japan for her novel The Sister Karamazov. Her many works include Canto Angelico, a cyber-baroque opera novel; Red Star, a steampunk novel about a counterfeit Russian emperor hiding out in an electro-industrialised Edo period; and Danger: Do Not Mix, a collection of short stories that remix various literary masterpieces. Her latest novel, Graf Zeppelin, has been nominated for the prestigious Nihon SF Taishō Award, and has won the Seiun Award for Best Japanese Novel.