Cristina Casagrande
Writer. Joined LPP in 2021.
Cristina Casagrande has a degree in Journalism and Languages. She is the author of A Amizade em ‘O Senhor dos Anéis’ [Friendship in The Lord of the Rings] (São Paulo: Martin Claret, 2019), a product of her master’s thesis defended in 2018, and she works for HarperCollins Brasil in some editorial projects related to J.R.R. Tolkien, such as translations of "Mr. Bliss" and "Letters from Father Christmas". She is currently pursuing her PhD degree in Comparative Literature, studying Tolkien and Philosophy. She researches fantasy, myth, and fairy-stories at the University of São Paulo, where she organized the exhibition “De Volta Outra Vez: 80 anos de O Hobbit” [Back Again: 80 years of The Hobbit] (2017); and the courses “A Subcriação de Mundos: Estudos sobre a Literatura de J.R.R. Tolkien” [The Subcreation of Worlds: Studies on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Literature] (2018), from which sprang the e-book with the same title in 2019, and "The Posthumous Works of J.R.R. Tolkien: A Tribute to Christopher" (2020). She is the administrator of the website tolkienista.com and organizes the Group of Mythopoetic Studies, a subgroup of research in literature and children’s and youth cultural production, directed by Professor Maria Zilda da Cunha.
Social media:
Website: tolkienista.com
Instagram: @tolkienista