5✩. "As the characters mature, so do these books, and the story.Another great tale as the characters relationships grow and develop, while a darker undertone sets in that culminates in an unexpected climax.The characters personalities are developing into truly enjoyable people to love and follow, as they discover their own path to becoming an adult.A great read that flows along at a good pace, and takes you along for an enjoyable ride, leaving you wanting the next installment." By N Fisher on Amazon.co.uk
5 ✩. "Wooft, just emerged from reading this amazing book. Such fantastic writing. I just wish I could go back and read this again for the first time. Brilliant." Reg Strawberry on Amazon.co.uk
5 ✩. "I'm with the earlier poster who wants to get on with the story! What a cliffhanger... Soooo looking forward to number four - no spoilers but I am very keen to find out how THAT is going to be resolved!" Amazon Customer on Amazon.co.uk
5✩. "Ms. Barbini continues to expand her world in this third installment. I really enjoyed it, and again read it in a day! Her characters continue to grow and mature in a believable way, but in a way that is still sensitive to her generally young readership. I liked the introduction of the Nuarns, and what that meant for our hero; I also liked the fact that the author was not afraid to create conflict within the family on this issue.The end is a great cliffhanger - I almost threw the book across the room because I was so mad that I have to wait to see what happens!" By Andra on Amazon.co.uk
5✩. "The third book in F.T. Barbini's Tijaran Tales series shows no signs of slowing down!!! The story continues at a fast pace and continues to build on the story and growth of the characters! This book contains some great themes such as family, friendships, growing up, in addition to human nature as highlighted by the tension between Zed's and the Arneshians. As each book goes on this series seems to move higher up my list of all time favourite series! The ending literally made my jaw drop!" By Marc Livingstone on Amazon.co.uk