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"Return of the Ring: Celebrating Tolkien in 2012" was a five-day conference organised by the Tolkien Society to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit. Return of the Ring was one of the largest Tolkien-specific events ever held and followed on from the Tolkien Society's earlier conferences in 1992 and 2005.

Few twentieth-century authors can compete with J.R.R. Tolkien. More than three-quarters of a century after the publication of The Hobbit in 1937, his works continue to captivate millions of readers across the world. As a collection of papers delivered in 2012 at the Tolkien Society’s international conference of the same name, The Return of the Ring is representative of the wide and varied responses Tolkien’s works have generated over the decades. The first volume focuses primarily on Tolkien’s life, examining the influence of war, philosophy, and religion on his mythology. The second volume is much more diverse, covering themes from medievalism and romanticism through to fantasy and modernity. With contributions from the likes of John Garth, Colin Duriez, Ronald Hutton, and Janet Brennan Croft, The Return of the Ring is essential for scholars and casual readers alike.


About Return of the Ring

“Return of the Ring: Celebrating Tolkien in 2012” was a five-day conference organised by the Tolkien Society to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit. Held at Loughborough University 16–20 August 2012, it brought together a unique mixture of fun, fandom and scholarship. In addition to the excellent selection of scholars featured in these proceedings, there were singers, re-enactors, artists, performers, figures from fandom and Tolkien’s grandson. With around 500 delegates from across the globe, Return of the Ring was one of the largest Tolkien-specific events ever held and followed on from the Tolkien Society’s earlier conferences in 1992 and 2005, which respectively marked the centenary of Tolkien’s birth and the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Lord of the Rings.



Foreword by Shaun Gunner

Introduction by Lynn Forest-Hill

Tolkien's Birmingham by Robert S. Blackham

J.R.R. Tolkien's 'second father' Fr. Francis Morgan and other non-canonical influences by José Manuel Ferrández Bru

Tolkien's Oxford by Robert S. Blackham

J.R.R. Tolkien and the origins of the Inklings by Colin Duriez

Robert Quilter Gilson, T.C.B.S.: A brief life in letters by John Garth

Tolkien: the War Years by Robert S. Blackham

Sauron Revealed by LeiLani Hinds

Clean Earth to Till: A Tolkienian Vision of War by Anna E. Thayer (née Slack)

The Importance of Home in the Middle-earth Legendarium by Sara Brown

Tolkien versus the history of philosophy by Franco Manni

Tolkien's Boethius, Alfred's Boethius by Gerard Hynes

Teaching Leadership and Ethics through Tolkien by Laura Miller-Purrenhage

Tolkien - Pagan or Christian? A proposal for a 'new' synthetic approach by Claudio A. Testi

A Latter-day Saint reading of Tolkien by James D. Holt

Tolkien's Magic by Ronald Hutton

Cyclic cataclysms, Semitic stereotypes and religious reforms: a classicist's Númenor by Pamina Fernández Camacho

From 2012 AD to Atlantis and Back Again - Tolkien's Circular Journey in Time by Xavier de la Huerga

The Notion Club Papers: A Summary by David Doughan

Myth-Making: How J. R. R. Tolkien Adapted Mythopoeia from Old English by Zachary A. Rhone

J. R. R. Tolkien's Mythopoeia and Familiarisation of Myth: Hobbits as Mediators of Myth in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by Jyrki Korpua

White riders and new world orders: Nature and technology in Theodor Storm's Der Schimmelreiter and J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings by Larissa Budde.  

The Return Of The Ring Volume 1

  • Kindle - Click here.

    You can find the e-book version of these volumes under the following ISBN numbers:

    Vol I: 9781911143093

    Vol II: 9781911143109

  • 5✩. "Great collection of papers, written skillfully by some of the best explorers of Tolkien scholarship. Vol II also recommended." By Trixter76 on


    4✩ "Excellent edition of the proceedings of an excellent conference." By Sue Bridgewater on

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