Luna's sixth Call for Papers, Not the Fellowship. Dragons Welcome! is now in pre-order and will be released on Tuesday 14th of June. Artwork, by Jay Johnstone. Here is a chance to discover the 11 brilliant papers you will find in the book, in reverse order of appearance.
Today, we would like to introduce you to Catherine A. Coundjeris, presenting the paper: "Éowyn as Light Bearer"
A character study of Éowyn would not be complete without considering the historical nature of the author’s perspective and background, as well as the nature of woman as light bearer and fierce defender of home and hearth.
Éowyn is of the royal line of Rohan and caregiver to Théoden on our first sight of her, but she becomes far more than a queen in her own right, transforming into a just and righteous co-ruler of Ithilien. Her journey takes her from her throes of grief and boredom into the jaws of doom and beyond, standing firm as her womanhood defeats the Nazgûl Lord and finally taking her rightful place as a leader of men in a new world order. Éowyn is the perfect citizen and leader of just such a world, and her own light, which she bore out of the darkness, will prevail into the Age of Man. Indeed, her multifaceted character gives breadth and depth to Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Her flaws and her strengths transcend the paucity of women in The Lord of the Rings and intimate the presence of other women of remarkable character who also shed light upon the war-weary Middle-earth through remaining true to their destiny: lights among the shadows guiding the souls of men home. This paper will explore how Éowyn’s womanhood, and not her nature as a warrior, ultimately defeat the enemy and why her feminine quality will indeed make her an excellent Lady of Ithilien.
About Catherine A. Coundjeris:
Catherine A. Coundjeris holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College and a Masters in Children’s Literature from Simmons College. A former elementary school teacher, Catherine has also taught writing at Emerson College and ESL writing at Urban College in Boston. Her poetry is published in literary magazines, including Proem, The Dawntreader, Visions with Voices, Nine Cloud Journal, Academy of the Heart and Mind, Bombfire, Paper Dragons, Kaleidoscope, North of Oxford, Shift, Halcyon Days, Blue Moon, Jalmurra, Calla Press, and Stick Figure. She is very passionate about adult literacy.
Not the Fellowship. Dragons Welcome!
#Callforpapers2021 #AcademiaLunare #NotTheFellowshipDragonsWelcome #FrancescaTBarbini #CatherineACoundjeris #Éowyn #Tolkien #TolkienScholarship