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New CfP 2020! Lands & Environments

I am delighted to announce our new Call for Papers 2020: "Lands and Environments: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction".

Writers are invited to explore the concept of worldbuilding in all its forms and presentations, from an angle of their choosing, and its developments in SFF literature, games, movies and TV.

We want to include all sorts of land and environment: entire worlds, natural landscapes, towns, cities, spaceships, houses, etc.

Here are several prompts, though they should not restrict your own ideas:

  • The evolution of world-building over time, from a medium of your choice.

  • Changes in Technology, Culture, Society, Politics, Religion, History: their effects on worldbuilding as a trend or in specific SFF outlets.

  • Game-changing moments in books, movies or TV with regards to worldbuilding.

  • Use of human history to shape worldbuilding and its effect on the fiction.

  • Global trends in SFF world-building - time for change?

  • Creating worlds – the methodology behind creating a successful world in SFF mediums. Worldbuilding and its impact on character and plot development.

  • Focus on, and analyse, specific worlds which, in your opinion, have embodied the concept of effective worldbuilding.

  • Focus on, and analyse, a specific author/director who, in your opinion, has excelled at worldbuilding.

As always, all submission guidelines are on the Academia Lunare's page.

Before you start, send us an email with a rough abstract or simply your idea, to let us know what topic you intend to explore: it is perfectly fine to have more than one author discussing the same issue or author, as long as the angle is different, but we need to know in advance so we can make sure your time is used effectively.

The deadline for "Lands and Environments" is Friday 30th of October.

I am very excited to receive your abstracts, ideas and papers!


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