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Call for Papers 2019: Ties That Bind

3 years have now passed since Luna's first CfPs. Our first one, Gender Identity and Sexuality in Current Fantasy and Science Fiction, won the British Fantasy Award for Best Non-fiction in 2018. We've also received two BSFA Awards nominations and one shortlist. The second call for papers, The Evolution of African Fantasy and Science Fiction, was published in August 2018, with two of the papers being nominated for the BSFA Awards.

It’s time for a new challenge! We are very proud to announce our fourth Call for Papers 2019:

Ties That Bind: Love in Fantasy and Science Fiction

Writers are invited to explore the concept of love in all its shapes (romantic, platonic, filial, familial, obsessive, friendship, virtual, etc.) and developments in SFF literature, games, movies and TV.

Here is some food for thought, though it should not restrict your own ideas:

  • The development of a specific archetypal nurturing, loving character who, over the course of the centuries, has undergone a transformation – historical and socio-political influences that brought about this transformation.

  • The evolution of love through the ages, in a medium of your choice.

  • Changes in Technology, Culture, Society, Politics, Religion, History: their effects on relationships as a trend or in specific SFF outlets.

  • Game-changing moments in books, movies or TV

  • Love Trends in SFF - time for change?

  • Other representations of love, e.g. architecture, environment, world building, etc.

  • Music as a tool to emphasise love in performances.

  • Inter-species love, human-machine love, virtual love: A look into the present and future of humanity and relationships in SFF

  • LGBT representations in SFF: advances, setbacks.

  • Asexuals, Aromantics: is SFF ready to be fully inclusive?

  • Creating love – the methodology behind creating a successful positive relationship in SFF mediums

  • Romantic love, Familial love, Obsessive love: how these impact on character and plot development

  • Lovers as villains or heroes

  • Focus, and analyse, on a specific character which, in your opinion, has embodied the concept of love

  • Focus, and analyse, on a specific author/director which, in your opinion, has excelled in capturing love

Do not fear if this is your first non-fiction work or if you don’t have a PhD: if you love research you need a chance to start somewhere. Get in touch if you have any questions.

Closing Date: 30th October 2019.

All details and Harvard referencing guides are on our website, under Academia Lunare.


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