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Open Submission Week

Perhaps you completed NaNoWriMo last year, and your story has been polished, strengthened and is rearing to be unleashed on the world. Perhaps you had that manuscript in the closet for a while. It's time to share your journey with us - you never know where it may lead.

In the month of October, Luna will host its first Open Submission Week, an opportunity to submit your work with a view to receiving a publishing contract. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never been published before, or if you don’t have an agent. Your writing skills and creativity are ALL you need.

It's time to get ready.


Submission Dates: Thursday 5th of October to Thursday 12th of October 2017

Genre: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Science Fiction and all their sub-genres

Audience: Children, YA, Adults

Type: standalone novel (series will be considered, but the opening book must be able to stand alone); short stories collections (specify the theme)

Length: 200,000 word limit (or thereabouts)


We’re taking the time to explain how we would like to receive your submission. In return, please take the time to follow these guidelines. It shows care towards your work, as well as professionalism, and that’s always a good start!

Email submissions only.

1. Email us ALL of the following information:

*your name

*your website and social media links

*previously published work (if any)

*Working title, genre, audience, type and length of your submission

2. Add an attachment in Word format

*Character names and roles - 1 page max

*Full Synopsis - 2 pages max


We will contact the shortlisted authors requesting the opening chapter or one of the short stories.

Do NOT send a draft. An agent wouldn't. Although we will fully edit your work, if selected, it is in your own interests to present a clean, polished manuscript to best showcase your writing skills, as well as professional courtesy.


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