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Steampunk Writers: Elaine Vilar Madruga

Today we would like you to meet Elaine Vilar Madruga, one of the "Steampunk Writers Around the World" authors. Elaine has contributed the short story "LA MALDICIÓN DE LA ESPINA", one of the stories you will be able to read in Spanish.

Above, you can see Jay Johnstone's image created for this particular story. Jay is also responsible for creating the cover of the anthology.

Elaine Vilar Madruga is a storyteller, poet and playwright, with a Degree in Theater Arts, and Playwriting, by the Superior Institute of Art. Winner of several national and international awards, her work has been published in anthologies throughout the world.

She has published more than 22 titles. Among them: La hembra alfa, Editorial Letras Cubanas 2013; Promesas de la Tierra Rota, Editorial Gente Nueva, año 2013; Salomé, Casa Editorial Abril, 2013; Dime, bruja que destellas, Casa Editorial Abril, 2013; Alter Medea, Antares Publishing House of Spanish Culture, Canadá, 2014; De caballeros y dragones, Ediciones La Luz, 2014; El árbol de los gatos, Metec Alegre Edizioni, Italia, 2015; Bestia, Lugar Común Editorial, Canadá, 2015; Los arcos del norte, Editorial Gente Nueva, 2015; Carmen, la gitana del amor, Editorial Gente Nueva, 2015; Escudo de todas las cabezas, Ediciones Loynaz, 2015; Hentai, Ediciones Loynaz, 2015; Culto de acoplamiento, Editorial José Martí, 2015; Las criaturas del silencio, Editorial Sanlope, 2015; Canto de cisne, Editorial Voces de Hoy, Estados Unidos, 2016 y Sakura, Editorial Desbordes, Santiago de Chile, 2016.

You can pre-order your copy on our website, through your usual outlets, or even pick up a copy in Helsinki, during the Worldcon!

You can hear all about the anthology and Elaine's involvement from the lady herself. Here are two links, one in Spanish and one in English.

We leave you with a little teaser of Elaine Vilar Madruga's story. Enjoy!


¿Quieres una confesión, Lis? ¿Un mea culpa? Lo hice. Convertí tu cuerpo. Sacrifiqué a tu madre. El arpón escapó de mi mano antes de saber que estabas cubierta por sus gritos y escamas. Ningún perdón puede lavar mis manos, manchadas aún por la sangre de aquella que te dio la vida.

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