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Worlds Apart. Worldbuilding in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s The Perfect Nine:The Epic of Gĩkũyũ and Mũmbi
Worlds Apart. Town Planning in Viriconium: M John Harrison and Worldbuilding
Worlds Apart. Worldbuilding with Sex and Gender
Worlds Apart. The sociopolitical implications of worldbuilding in speculative fiction
Worlds Apart. Relationships with the Land in SFF: Landscape as Identity, Mentor or Antagonist
Worlds Apart. Fragmented Worlds: Glimpse Morsels for the Imagination
Worlds Apart. No elf is an island. Understanding worldbuilding through system thinking
Tiffani Angus & Val Nolan: Welcome to the Luna Family!
CfP 2020 Worlds Apart Open for Pre-Orders!
Worlds Apart - CfP 2020 Cover Reveal
The Flicker Against the Light - YouTube Premiere
A Diasporic Mythography by Pooja M Biswas, is now in pre-order!
Welcome to Luna, Cristina Casagrande!
Welcome to the Luna Family, Gillian Polack!
Call for Papers 2020: Worlds Apart
Not the Fellowship. (Dragons Welcome)
Cover Reveal for Jane Alexander's New Book!
Hadithi - Review by Angela Wouchop
Hadithi - Review by Linda Hepworth
Gendering Time, Timing Gender
Uncanny Bodies: Into the Valley
Welcome to the Luna Family, Jane Alexander!
Uncanny Bodies: City and Forest section
‘Uncanny Bodies’: Pain and Illness section