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Bundle 2025: Tolkien 2019 and The Gospel of Gollum
Proceedings of the Tolkien 2019 Conference
The Gospel of Gollum
Bundle Spec Fic for Newbies 1 and 2
Spec Fic for Newbies Vol 2
Tolkien and the Gothic: Peter Roe Series XXIV
Green New Worlds
Translating and Illustrating Tolkien: Peter Roe Series XXIII
A Traveller in Time: The Critical Practice of Maureen Kincaid Speller
Follow Me: Religion in Fantasy and Science Fiction
Tolkien and Diversity: Peter Roe Series XXII
Spec Fic For Newbies
Tolkien's Library Second Edition HB
Tolkien's Library Second Edition PB
Twenty-first Century Receptions of Tolkien: Peter Roe Series XXI
Not The Fellowship. Dragons Welcome!
Story Matrices
Friendship in The Lord of the Rings
Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction
Tolkien and the Sea: Peter Roe Series VII
The Flicker Against the Light and Writing the Contemporary Uncanny
A Diasporic Mythography
Adapting Tolkien
Gendering Time, Timing Gender
Hadithi & The State of Black Speculative Fiction
The First and Second Ages
Uncanny Bodies
Ties That Bind: Love in SFF
The Satanic in Science Fiction and Fantasy
The Austerity Cure: The Impact of Benefit Sanctions on Mental Health
A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction
HB Tolkien's Library - An Annotated Checklist
PB Tolkien's Library - An Annotated Checklist
Tolkien the Pagan? Reading Middle-earth through a Spiritual Lens
Echoes of Truth: Christianity in The Lord of the Rings - Illustrated Edition
Echoes of Truth: Christianity in The Lord of the Rings
The Evolution of African Fantasy and Science Fiction
Poetry and Song in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien: Peter Roe Series XVIII
"Uncle Curro". J.R.R. Tolkien's Spanish Connection
El Tío "Curro". La Conexión Española de J.R.R. Tolkien
Death and Immortality in Middle-earth: Peter Roe Series XVII
Aragorn: J. R. R. Tolkien's Undervalued Hero
Gender Identity and Sexuality in Fantasy and Science Fiction
The Sub-Genres of British Fantasy Literature
On Eagle's Wings - An Exploration of Eucatastrophe in Tolkien's Fantasy
The Return Of The Ring Set
The Return Of The Ring Volume 2
The Return Of The Ring Volume 1